Numismatik Naumann – Your ace for historical coins & medals

A look behind the patina
Coins are more than minted metal, more than mere means of payment made of gold, silver or bronze. Coins are direct contemporary witnesses of long past epochs and events. A tetradrachm of Alexander the Great, minted from the gold and silver of the state treasury of the Persian kings conquered in Persepolis? A denarius of Emperor Nero, the notorious arsonist of Rome? Or a coin of Vlad Drăculea (Vlad the Impaler), the historical model of Bram Stoker’s Dracula? We describe and present coins in their individual historical setting!

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KINGS OF MACEDON. Alexander III ‘The Great’ (336-323 BC). Tetradrachm.

antike alte Münzen sammeln, Münzsammlung, historische Münzen, Wert bestimmen, römische Münzen

NERO (54-68). Denarius. Rome.

Our craft is numismatics!
Due to our long experience and expertise in ancient, medieval and modern numismatics, we can always offer you an interesting and quality assortment of historical coins. Our high-quality auctions are a numismatic highlight month after month!

Individual for you
Our offer is as versatile and individual as our customers: Whether it’s appraising or authenticating individual coins, advising on the sale of your valuable collection or inheritance, or purchasing interesting, high-quality coins – feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about coins.

We are ready! We are looking forward to you!

antike alte Münzen sammeln, Münzsammlung, historische Münzen, Wert bestimmen, römische Münzen

WALLACHEI. Vlad II Dracul (the Dragon) (1436-1442 & 1443-1446). Ban. Târgovişte.